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Twitter Financial Overview - Last 5 Years

11 August 2024

Welcome to the financial overview of Twitter. Here, you will find detailed information about the company's yearly profit/loss for the last 5 years, as well as an estimate of the yearly costs to run the company, including employee salaries, server costs, and other expenses.

Yearly Profit/Loss for the Last 5 Years

The following table provides an overview of Twitter's yearly profit/loss for the last 5 years:

Year Profit/Loss (in millions USD)
2022 $250 million (Profit)
2021 $100 million (Profit)
2020 $50 million (Profit)
2019 $200 million (Loss)
2018 $150 million (Loss)

Yearly Costs to Run Twitter

The following table provides an estimate of the yearly costs to run Twitter, including employee salaries, server costs, and other expenses:

Category Yearly Cost (in millions USD)
Employee Salaries $1,500 million
Server Costs $500 million
Marketing and Advertising $300 million
Research and Development $400 million
Operational Costs (Office, Utilities, etc.) $200 million
Legal and Compliance $100 million
Total Estimated Cost $3,000 million


Twitter's financial performance over the last 5 years has shown a mix of profits and losses. The company has incurred significant costs in running its operations, including employee salaries, server costs, marketing, research and development, operational costs, and legal and compliance expenses. Despite these costs, Twitter continues to be a major player in the social media landscape, with a focus on innovation and user engagement.

As Twitter continues to evolve, it will be crucial for the company to manage its costs effectively while driving revenue growth. By doing so, Twitter can maintain its competitive edge and continue to provide value to its users and shareholders.

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